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La Tahona Recreational Area

Recreational area, Altos de San Juan de la Rambla, San Juan de la Rambla


450 Number of seats


901501901 - 922239500


Use of the recreational areas is permitted during daylight hours only (between sunrise and sunset).


La Tahona is a recreational area bathed by the trade winds on the northern slopes of Tenerife at an altitude of 1100 metres above sea level. 

Here, the abundant misty rain brings moisture and freshness to the area and keeps the temperatures mild in summer and in winter. 

Under these environmental conditions, a “mixed” Canary Island pine forest thrives, the pine trees growing alongside typical monteverde species such as faya (Morella faya), tree heath (Erica arborea) and acebiño (Ilex canariensis). The dense forest and its understorey make for a very shaded environment. 

However, shrubs and herbs thrive where gaps appear in the forest cover. Examples include corazoncillo (Lotus campylocladus) and jara (Cistus symphytifolius), with colourful flowers that are easy to spot along the edges of the forest paths and tracks. 

Flitting amongst the branches you will see chaffinches, chiffchaffs, blue tits and other species of birds that are common in these natural spaces. 


  • Enjoy the local plant and animal life without disturbing it. Be curious but from a safe and respectful distance.
  • Follow the rules and instructions on the signs to avoid disturbance to people and animals.
  • Keep the environment clean and leave no litter behind. Rubbish and cigarette butts must be disposed of in the designated containers. 
  • Travel in small groups to keep noise pollution and the impact on the environment to a minimum.  
  • Use the water in the toilets and taps responsibly. Water is a scarce and precious commodity on our island.

Recommendations and tips


  • Compulsory authorisation via this link for groups organised by associations, schools or businesses. This is to protect the natural environment and ensure that the maximum capacity of the recreational area is not exceeded.
  • Free access for all other visitors, no reservation required.
More information


  • Toilets.
  • Barbecue facilities.
  • Untreated water points.
  • Tables and benches.
  • Children’s area.
  • Waste containers.
  • Firewood.
  • Adjoining campsite.
  • Parking area with no reserved parking spaces for people with reduced mobility.
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Connections with routes

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Acces La Tahona Recreational Area ()

Acces La Tahona Recreational Area (PDF)

Pista de La Tahona, TF-344, turn off at km 5.2, Icod el Alto - La Guancha.

No public transport service in the area. 

Protected Areas


Parque Natural de la Corona Forestal

The Corona Forestal is the largest protected natural area in the Canary Islands, one of the most extensive forests on the islands, the lungs of Tenerife and the gateway to Mount Teide.  As its name ...

Discover the Protected Area
Parque Natural de Corona Forestal


Today, tuesday, in San Juan de la Rambla


3 km/h


11ºC Maximum

8ºC Minimum



3 day forecast


10ºC Maximum

7ºC Minimum


11ºC Maximum

8ºC Minimum


10ºC Maximum

8ºC Minimum