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Identification and ownership (Table in Data Protection)


Excelentísimo Cabildo Insular de Tenerife(ECIT)




Plaza de España s/n – 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife


901 501 901/922 239 500


922 239 704




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Contacto del Delegado de Protección de Datos

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Tenerife On is an accurate, official and immediate information service provided by the Tenerife Island Council, related to the public facilities that it manages in Tenerife’s natural spaces.

Tenerife On offers information on a selection of routes and facilities managed by the Tenerife Island Council, including a safety and risk assessment, to help guarantee their safe and responsible use. Each resource is accompanied by technical and descriptive information, as well as other information to help enhance your experience, including downloading tracks.

It also contains a personal route planner, with GIS technology, within the network of routes selected by the Tenerife Island Council.


General conditions of access and use

Tenerife On and its services are free and open access, although the use of certain areas or services is subject to the completion of data collection forms. Only those over the age of 16 may provide data through our website, while minors under 16 may not provide data without the consent of their parents or legal guardians, although access to certain procedures and services is conditional on the user being of legal age.

To access Tenerife On, the user must have access to the internet and the necessary equipment and computer systems for connection.

To use certain functions of Tenerife On, it is necessary for the user to fill in a form with specific information, after which they will become a registered user.

Registered users of Tenerife On will be able to evaluate each of the facilities shown on the website and mobile app, as well as register, save, download and share their activities, and enjoy a series of functions that are only available if registered.

The user guarantees the authenticity and timeliness of all data communicated to the Island Council and shall be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made.

www.tenerifeon.es and www.tenerifeon.com have the following user types:

  • Users who provide data in any of the available forms: the personal data that the Island Council requests includes name and contact details, and those provided by the citizen himself/herself when filling in the forms.
  • Users who have not contacted the Island Council but from whom data is collected: data provided by cookies and IP addresses.

Website contents

The contents of Tenerife On are protected by intellectual property legislation. The intellectual property rights of the content as well as its graphic design and the codes contained therein, belong to the Tenerife Island Council. The unauthorised reproduction, distribution, commercialisation or transformation of the contents is only permitted for individual, personal and private use, otherwise this will constitute an infringement of intellectual property rights.

The Tenerife Island Council has created the content from official and/or reliable sources of information, taking all available steps to ensure the correctness of the data.

The Administration allows all to reuse the contents and data, without time limitations or restrictions, under the terms established by the Creative Commons CC0 legal instrument, and in accordance with article 17. 1 of Law 19/2014, of 29 December, on Transparency and Access to Public Information, and beyond the basic conditions established in article 8 of Law 37/2007 on the reuse of public sector information (citing the source, without alteration or distortion of the information and specifying the date of the last update), and provided that this does not contradict a current and prevailing licence or notice.  

Tenerife On may offer its users links, directories and search engines that allow them to access third-party websites. The installation of these links, directories and search engines on the website have the sole purpose of improving the information, content and services available on the network. The Island Council does not necessarily hold any relationship with these third parties, thus users should exercise extreme caution when evaluating and using their information, content and services.


Rules and prohibitions of use for users

The user expressly undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services offered, and not to use them in order to:

  • Disseminate content that is criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, sympathetic to terrorism or, in general, contrary to law or public order.
  • Introduce computer viruses into the network or carry out actions likely to alter, spoil, interrupt or generate errors or damage to electronic documents, data or physical and central systems of the Island Council or third parties; or hinder other users’ access to the website and its services.
  • Attempt to access restricted areas of computer systems belonging to the Island Council or third parties, and extract information.
  • Infringe intellectual or industrial property rights, and violate the confidentiality of the Island Council’s information or that of third parties.
  • Impersonate another user, public administrations or a third party.
  • Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify the contents, unless authorised to do so by the holder of the corresponding rights, or unless it is legally permitted.
  • Collect data for advertising purposes and send advertising of any kind and communications for sales or other commercial purposes without prior request or consent.
  • Use any graphic information or content that is under copyright without prior authorisation, and always crediting the author when said authorisation is granted.



The Island Council does not accept responsibility in the event of interruptions or malfunctioning of the services or content offered online, whatever the reason. Nor does the Island Council take responsibility for network crashes, loss of business as a result of such crashes, temporary suspensions of electricity supply or any other type of indirect harm caused to you for reasons beyond the owner’s control.

The Island Council is not responsible in the case that users misuse information contained in Tenerife On.

Activities in nature pose inherent risks, thus the Island Council takes no responsibility for possible accidents in the natural environment, even if these are caused by lack of maintenance and / or security in the resources linked to recreational activities.

The Island Council does not accept responsibility for incidents involving the resources linked to recreational activities that are not up to date in Tenerife On.


Procedure in the event of unlawful activities

In the event that any user or third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that reveal the unlawful nature of the use of any content and/or the carrying out of any activity on the web pages included or accessible through the website, they should contact the Island Council at the following e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., saying who they are, giving details on the alleged infringements and confirming that the information provided is accurate.


Privacy policy

Users can consult how the Island Council uses their data and the security measures in place by clicking on the following link:  "Privacy policy".


Cookies policy

The Island Council installs cookies on users computers. To find out more about the cookies on our website, go to the following link: "Cookies policy"



All communications between users and the Island Council shall be deemed effective, for all purposes, when they are made by post or e-mail. Users should contact the Island Council via these means:

  • By post to the following address:Registro General, Plaza de España, s/n - 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • By e-mail to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Re-use of information contained on our websites.

In accordance with article 17.1 of Law 19/2014, of 29 December, on Transparency and Access to Public Information, the reuse of public information is free and not subject to restrictions, except in cases where, by regulation, it is subject to obtaining a specific licence, due to the protection of other rights or legal assets, or to the prior request of the interested party.

Law 37/2007, of 16 November, on the Re-use of Public Sector Information, which transposes Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, and amended by Law 18/2015, of 9 July (which in turn transposes Directive 2013/37/EU), regulates the re-use of public information held by administrations and bodies in which they have a majority stake, i.e. the right of all potential market agents to the re-use of information held by public bodies.

In accordance with this regulation, the Administration allows for the reproduction, distribution and public communication of the published works and, furthermore, its transformation to create derivative works, around the world, and without any time limitation, in accordance with the Creative Commons CC0 legal instrument, as long as it does NOT contradict a prevailing licence or notice.

In order to reuse the information, the following conditions must be met:

  • The meaning of the information should not be distorted.
  • The information source should always be cited.
  • The date of the last information update should be mentioned.
  • There should be no contradiction with another, preferential licence that the work may have, allowing for re-use according to specific conditions.

The source must always be cited: Cabildo de Tenerife (Tenerife Island Council), except in cases where there is a specific licence, where the authorship and ownership of rights of use must be acknowledged.


Use of trademarks, coats of arms and logos

Under no circumstances is it authorised to use logos, brands, coats of arms and distinctive symbols pertaining to the Tenerife Island Council, in publications and websites that it does not sponsor or collaborate with. These elements of corporate identity are the exclusive property of the Tenerife Island Council and are protected by the applicable legislation in force. Access by the user does not confer any rights over them.

Liability disclaimer on the website www.tenerifeon. and modification of this legal notice

The information disseminated through the website www.tenerifeon.com is solely and exclusively for information purposes, and the Island Council reserves the right to eliminate or suspend its dissemination, totally or partially, and to modify the structure and content of this website without prior notice, and may even limit or deny access to said information.

The Island Council attempts to maintain the quality of this information, ensure it is kept up to date, and to avoid and minimise possible errors. Nevertheless the Island Council shall not be held liable for any damage and/or harm to the user's software or hardware arising from access to this website.  Users accept that the Island Council shall not be liable for unauthorised access to or alteration of their communications or data, for any material or data sent or received or not sent or received, nor for any transaction made through the website. The Island Council reserves the right to modify this legal notice unilaterally and without prior notice in the terms and conditions that it deems appropriate, with the sole obligation to inform the user of the modifications made via  www.tenerifeon.es.