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El Contador Recreational Area

Recreational area, Los Picachos , Arico


350 Number of seats


901501901 - 922239500


Use of the recreational areas is permitted during daylight hours only (between sunrise and sunset).


This area of Tenerife forest is located at an altitude of 1200 m on the southern slopes of the island and is dominated by Canary Island pine trees. 

The pines have grown back naturally in this area, reclaiming slopes that had been cleared and used for agriculture until a few decades ago. Other species that grow here include shrubs such as tagasaste (Cytisus proliferus), codeso (Adenocarpus foliolosus) and a species of rockrose called jara blanca (Cistus monspeliensis). 

This vegetation provides shelter and food for a plethora of birds, including two of the most beautiful and vulnerable of species found on the Canary Islands: the blue chaffinch and the great spotted woodpecker. 

There is also a whole realm of invertebrates and insects hidden in the bark of the trees and under the dry leaves: curious spiders, striking beetles, eye-catching butterflies, to name but a few. 

Next to the recreational area the houses of El Contador, a cluster of traditional rural dwellings, still stand. Around them, you can still make out the traces of the past agricultural use of this land, as the vegetation gradually reclaims the old terraced fields. 


  • Enjoy the local plant and animal life without disturbing it. Be curious but from a safe and respectful distance.
  • Follow the rules and instructions on the signs to avoid disturbance to people and animals.
  • Keep the environment clean and leave no litter behind. Rubbish and cigarette butts must be disposed of in the designated containers.
  • Travel in small groups to keep noise pollution and the impact on the environment to a minimum.  
  • Use the water in the toilets and taps responsibly. Water is a scarce and precious commodity on our island.

Recommendations and tips


  • Compulsory authorisation via this link for groups organised by associations, schools or businesses. This is to protect the natural environment and ensure that the maximum capacity of the recreational area is not exceeded.
  • Free access for all other visitors, no reservation required.
More information


  • Toilets.
  • Barbecue facilities.
  • Untreated water points.
  • Tables and benches.
  • Children’s area.
  • Waste containers.
  • Adjoining campsite.
  • Parking area with no reserved parking spaces for people with reduced mobility.
Route icon

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Connections with routes

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Acces El Contador Recreational Area ()

Acces El Contador Recreational Area (PDF)

Access from the centre of Arico, taking Calle del Calvario and going up the asphalted road named “Subida al Contador”.

No public transport service in the area. 

Protected Areas


Parque Natural de la Corona Forestal

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Parque Natural de Corona Forestal


Today, tuesday, in Arico


5 km/h


15ºC Maximum

11ºC Minimum



3 day forecast


15ºC Maximum

10ºC Minimum


15ºC Maximum

11ºC Minimum


14ºC Maximum

11ºC Minimum

Places of interest

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EN Árbol monunental

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