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Integral Nature Reserves

Reserva Natural Integral de Ijuana


Ijuana, one of the best preserved natural areas in Tenerife, contains vitally important habitats on the island in which processes of high ecological value occur.  

For this reason it is classed as a strict nature reserve, a category of protection that forbids unauthorised access and thus avoids any human interference in these processes.

  • #Flora
  • #Anaga
  • #Geology
  • #Ravine
  • #LaurelForest
  • #PhoenicianJunipers
  • #Cliff

Recommended time to visit: Not open for visitors


In this corner of Anaga you can find some of the oldest materials on the island. This is reflected in its rugged landscape, with deep ravines and huge vertical walls produced by erosion. 

Along with Teno and Adeje, this reserve is part of the three original islands that were joined together by volcanic eruptions over millions of years to form the island we know today as Tenerife.

Reserva Natural Integral de Ijuana

Flora and fauna

Almost 50% of plant species in the reserve are endemic, either to the area, the Canaries or Macronesia. Among the most notable for their rarity and uniqueness are the bejeque de Anaga (Aeonium ciliatum), góngaro de Anaga (Aeonium cuneatum), siempreviva de Anaga (Limonium macrophyllum), margarita de Anaga (Argyranthemum lemsii), cabezón de Taganana (Cheirolophus tagananensis), tajinaste de Taganana (Echium leucophaeum) and the tomillón de Juan Bay (Micromeria rivas-martinezii), which is endemic to the Ijuana Strict Nature Reserve. 

As expected there are a wide variety of invertebrates in the reserve, many of which are endemic. 

Among the birds that nest in the area are the Scopoli's shearwater, Laurel forest pigeon, spectacled warbler, Eurasian sparrowhawk and yellow-legged gull.


Technical information sheet

Surface area

918.9 hectares (0.5% of the island)

Species of interest

margarita de Anaga (Argyranthemum lemsii), siempreviva de Anaga (Limonium macrophyllum), corazoncillo de Anaga (Lotus dumetorum), delfino (Pleiomeris canariensis), saúco (Sambucus nigra ssp. palmensis), chahorra de Anaga (Sideritis macrostachys), violeta de Anaga (Viola anagae), tomillón de Juan Bay (Micromeria rivas-martinezii), laurel pigeon, Bolle’s pigeon, Scopoli's shearwater, Eurasian sparrowhawk, spectacled warbler.


ravines, cliffs, coast, laurel forest, tabaibal-cardonal, sabinar

Places of interest

Barranco de Ijuana, Barranco de Anosma, Punta de Antequera, Pitón de Juan Bay, Punta del Sabinar.

Reserva Natural Integral de Ijuana