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Natural Monuments

Monumento Natural Las Montañas de Ifara y Los Riscos


This Natural Monument encompasses two volcanic cones and the plains that surround them, and also includes the ravines known as Barranco del Callao and Barranco de Ifara.

  • #Flora
  • #Tabaibal
  • #Barranco
  • #Vulkanismus

Recommended time to visit: all year round.


Both cones have a horseshoe-shaped crater, open to the south-east in the case of Los Riscos and to the north-east in the case of Ifara. 

Their slopes are covered with lava bombs of all sizes, suggesting that these volcanoes were highly explosive in nature. 

The passage of time has eroded and chiselled out furrows at the base of both cones, especially in Los Riscos, which has been shaped by dramatic landslides.

Monumento Natural Las Montañas de Ifara y Los Riscos

Flora and fauna

As in many of the protected areas in the south of Tenerife, with high sunshine, scarce rainfall and strong winds, the predominant vegetation is the cardonal-tabaibal (Euphorbia plant community). 

Here the dominant species is the tabaiba dulce (Euphorbia balsamifera), accompanied by balo (Plocama pendula), salado (Schizogyne sericea) and cardoncillo (Ceropegia dichotoma). However, cardón or Canary Island spurge (Euphorbia canariensis) appears in the areas where the tuffaceous soil gives way to basaltic lava flows. 

At the top of the cones you can see species that require more humidity, such as tasaigo (Rubia fruticosa), verode (Kleinia neriifolia), cornical (Periploca laevigata) and incienso (Artemisia thuscula).

The most common birds in the area include Berthelot’s pipits, hoopoes, swifts and kestrels. 

The Tenerife lizard is the most common reptile, although you can also spot Tenerife geckos in this area.

Perdiz moruna adulta
Perdiz moruna adulta

Technical information sheet

Surface area

288.1 ha (0.1% of the island).

Species of interest

Tabaiba dulce (Euphorbia balsamifera), balo (Plocama pendula), salado (Schizogyne sericea), cardoncillo (Ceropegia dichotoma), cardón or Canary Island spurge (Euphorbia canariensis), tasaigo (Rubia fruticosa), verode (Kleinia neriifolia), cornical (Periploca laevigata), incienso (Artemisia thuscula), Berthelot’s pipit, hoopoe, swift, kestrel, Tenerife lizard, Tenerife gecko.


Volcanic cones, cardonal-tabaibal (Euphorbia plant community).

Places of interest

Montaña Los Riscos, Montaña Ifara.

Monumento Natural Las Montañas de Ifara y Los Riscos